Parasite Control & Prevention

Parasite prevention protects against fleas, ticks and more. Keep your pet healthy and happy.

Parasites, both internal and external, are quite common in pets. They can have variable effects on your pets, and some can even be transmitted to you or your children. External parasites such as fleas and lice can be extremely irritating. On the other hand, internal parasites such as heartworm, roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms can make your pet systemically ill. In Calgary, fleas are not a big issue, but lice can be, especially for pets going to daycare or the dog park frequently. Many products can prevent both fleas and lice while also deworming for many internal parasites. By calling us at 403-452-2060 and scheduling an appointment with one of our veterinarians, you can learn everything you need to know about these pesky creatures, and how we can help your pet free of them.

How can I protect my pet from parasites?

We recommend a minimum of yearly deworming, sometimes more frequently depending on risk factors (such as travel, kenneling, daycare, young children in household, etc.). This can be evaluated by your furry family member’s veterinarian during their yearly checkup.

Can dogs and cats get rid of parasites on their own?

Absolutely not. Some pet parents wrongfully believe that pests like lice and worms are not that big of a health issue in their furry companions because they often cause only minor effects in humans. Parasites simply do not disappear on their own. If you are concerned that your pet has external parasites, please call us to set up a consultation with one of our veterinarians.

Do indoor pets need parasite protection?

Yes! Parasites can make their way to your pet through you, other people, other animals, other pests in your building (e.g. mice) and objects that enter your home.

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